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  1. You were talking today about how you are open to suggestions for the class and welcome any that we may have. The only suggestion I have is to have the students in the class present more of their projects. In the previous BMIE classes we have had the opportunity to share our projects which was extremely helpful because it gave us the opportunity to see what other people had done and to ask them how they had done it. While we have the opportunity to see others' projects through the blogs, not all of us have the time to view others blogs outside of class, so we don't always get the most out of the projects that we do. I think by giving us the opportunity to present in class we will learn a lot more about all of the resources you are showing us and get a lot more out of the class.

  2. Stephanie, that is a good idea. If you take a look at the syllabus, you will see that the last two classes are completely devoted to student presentations of the work they accomplished during the semester. :)
